Our Resort is now open and welcoming guests. Upon arrival, there is COVID-19 symptom screening for guests, residents and patrons entering the property. Our employees are wearing masks all the time and all guests (age 10 and above) will be required to wear a mask or face covering when in public indoor spaces and when receiving in-room service. However, we encourage our young explorers (age 2 to 9) to wear face masks. In some jurisdictions, additional or more stringent regulations on mask usage are mandated and must therefore apply. Unless any publications or restrictions issued by the Egyptian government or the Ministry of Health, all the above precautions must be taken. In accordance with local health authorities, some restaurant and facility services and hours may also be modified. Please ensure that you are up to date on the latest government regulations when travelling.
Whether as a departure requirement or simply for peace of mind, access to on-property COVID-19 testing is available during your stay. Testing is provided by a third party. For further testing details, pricing information or to arrange your COVID-19 test, please contact the Front Desk.
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